Flutter Widget 101 Part 6 (Alert and Simple Dialog)
https://medium.com/@nils.backe/flutter-alert-dialogs-9b0bb9b01d28 https://stackoverflow.com/questions/50964365/alert-dialog-with-rounded-corners-in-flutter Dialogs In essence, dialogs are pop-up for further user verification/notification. There are few types of dialogs: AlertDialog (rows of buttons below body). SimpleDialog (handles scrolling of contents and no buttons below body). showCupertinoDialog (iOS-style). showGeneralDialog (allows customisations). showDialog () 3 Parameters. child is deprecated. Return child from builder, example below. BuildContext context, Widget child,//deprecated WidgetBuilder builder, showDialog( context: context , barrierDismissible: true , builder: (BuildContext context) { return AlertDialog( content: new Text( "Welcome" ), actions: <Widget>[ new IconButton( icon: new Icon(Icons. launch ), onPressed: (){Naviga...