
Showing posts from January, 2019


 When importing projects, "Dart SDK is not configured" error code may arise. It can be resolving by linking to  bin/cache/dart-sdk in Flutter folder. It usually happens with projects that were created in other machines. To fix this on Android Studio 3.1.3: File-> Settings (ctrl+alt+s) Languages and Frameworks -> Dart Check "Enable Dart support for the project..." In "Dart SDK path" click in "..." and navigate to flutter SDK directory. Under that directory you'll find  "bin/cache/dart-sdk" . This is the dart sdk path you should use. Click "Apply" Close the project and open it again (sometimes you need this step, sometimes doesn't) Tip 1: Having problem with fetching a package? Come across this error code: "A dependency may only have one source. sdk: flutter" This may be due to an a n indentation align with sdk (example below). dependencies : flutter : sdk : flutt...



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Darts: Converting Fat Arrow Syntax into elaborate syntax

The fat arrow is a short hand for creating a new symbol. Many articles talks about how to convert declaration of function into fat arrows.  But not vice-versa. Lets talk about an example in Google Codelabs and show the 2 simple steps to do so. Original Code Navigator. push (context, MaterialPageRoute(builder: (context) => DetailScreen(dtodo: todos [index]),),); 1a. Replace fat arrow by { Navigator. push (context, MaterialPageRoute(builder: (context) => { DetailScreen(dtodo: todos [index]),),); 1b. Isolate the another end of the function and close it with } Navigator. push (context, MaterialPageRoute(builder: (context) => { DetailScreen(dtodo: todos [index]), } ), ); 2.Add Return and replace the , by ; Navigator. push (context, MaterialPageRoute(builder: (context) => {  return DetailScreen(dtodo: todos [index]) , ;} ), ); Navigator. push (context, MaterialPageRoute(builder: (context) { return DetailScreen(dtod...

Darts: Darts 101 for Flutter

Fat Arrow: "=>" is "{}" Dynamic Vs Object : Semantic Difference for accepting any type, difference is Hashcode is property on Object and Dynamic is when system cannot properly express any type that dev want to use. Print to console with "print()" Quick Guide to Darts Constructor: Used to create object new keyword is optional in Dart2 Declaring Constructor by creating function with same name as class/  syntactic  constructor class Point { num x , y ; Point ( num x , num y ) { // There's a better way to do this, stay tuned. this . x = x ; this . y = y ; } } class Point { num x , y ; Point ( this. x , this. y ); } Named Constructor , class name with additional identifier Gives extra clarity when implement multiple constructor within a class Constructor are not inherited, subclass do not inherit superclass's named constructor class Point { num x , y ; Point ( this ....